
Designing Tibco Live-apps Api

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Today more than ever, digital businesses need to quickly find and capitalize on new opportunities. TIBCO Cloud Live Apps is a low-code application platform that empowers citizen developers to build fully functional smart applications in mere minutes. These apps seamlessly integrate and extend existing systems, so creating and changing enterprise apps is now easy and fast.

Audit trails that keep track of transaction history with date/time, participant name, and activity processing are one of the built-in capabilities in TIBCO Live Apps. However, this audit trail data stored in relational databases could potentially be exposed to tampering if illegal users gain access.

A blockchain can be used to solve this problem by storing an immutable audit trail of all transactions accessible only to those who need that information. Using a blockchain, every transaction is recorded and the block of transactions is hashed together with the previous block's hash and stored at the end of the chain. Data that should be secure and audit trail information that should not be changed, are safe from corruption by external parties.

Why I'm excited about TIBCO Live Apps

Both TIBCO BPM and blockchain provide process-based solutions. Live Apps provides a different kind of user experience, one geared towards citizen developers. As of yet, blockchain does not provide much graphical design-time tooling, but as the technology matures that will improve. Until then, Live Apps and blockchain provide a powerful combination for creating immutable process-based solutions.

Live Apps provides a fast and easy iterative approach for creating process-based applications. When the technical team creates new blockchain solutions and exposes the blockchain application services to business users, Live Apps citizen developers can very quickly expose the blockchain process to other users within the organization. This allows for a very quick turnaround time for creating and exposing blockchain applications in a production environment.

Empower your organization with low-code apps to streamline processes.

Designing Tibco Live-apps Api


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