
How To Use Remote Desktop Windows Xp

Notation: It is recommended that the Windows Firewall be active at all times on your part computer. To plough information technology on or confirm its status delight follow the steps beneath.

  1. Click on Start, select Command Panel, then select Windows Firewall.
  2. Verify that there is a bullet in front end of the option On (recommended).

Configuring Windows Firewall to Allow a Remote Desktop Connection

With the Windows Firewall window nonetheless open, complete the post-obit steps:

  1. Click on the Exceptions tab.
  2. Place a check marker in the box in forepart of Remote Desktop.

  1. Click on the Advanced tab. Click on Local Expanse Connection to highlight it. Click on the Settings button.

  1. Place a checkmark in the box labeled Remote Desktop. If a window labeled Service Settings appears, Click OK.

  1. Click OK on both the Advanced Settings and the Windows Firewall window.

Configuring your office computer for a Remote Desktop Connexion

  1. Click on Offset, right-click My Figurer and cull Properties.
  2. Click on the Remote tab and place a checkmark in the Let users to connect remotely to this computer box, as shown beneath.

  1. Verify that y'all accept the proper permission to connect to your estimator by clicking Select Remote Users…

  1. Your domain and username should be listed as already having access (every bit shown below.)

NOTE: If you do not already accept access, click on the Add... button as shown to a higher place and a window similar to the ane below volition appear. In the space labeled Enter the object names to select (examples):, type your domain (the domain for employees is Hamilton-d) and user ID.  For example, Hamilton-d\mscoones. Click Check Names and, if information technology is a valid username, the domain proper name will disappear and your username will become underlined. For example, in the analogy below, hamilton-d\mscoones volition modify to mscoones. Click OK to close the Select Users window.

  1. Click OK to close the Remote Desktop Users window and click OK again to close the Arrangement Properties window.

Obtaining Your Computer Name or IP address

In social club to access your office reckoner remotely, you'll demand your computer'due south name (for an on-campus remote desktop session) or your computer's IP address (for an off-campus remote desktop session).

Calculator Name

  1. Click on Showtime, right-click My Computer and choose Backdrop.
  2. Click on the Computer Name tab.

  1. Make a note of the Figurer clarification every bit shown above east.g. PC-15348, and and so click on OK.  Please note, this should lucifer your computer's barcode.  If you demand to admission your role reckoner from off-campus, delight follow the steps below to obtain your IP address.

IP Address

  1. Click on Start and then click on Run…
  2. In the Open: field, blazon cmd and click OK.

  1. A box with a black background and white text will appear. Type ipconfig at the blinking cursor and printing on your keyboard.

  1. Brand note of the IP Address (as shown to a higher place,) you lot will need to take it with you to access your calculator remotely. (NOTE:  You should practice this each time you lot plan to employ Remote Desktop Access as IP addresses change periodically.) Close the window.

Connecting to Your Office Computer from a Remote Location

  1. Click on Start, select All Programs, select Accessories, select Communication and and so Remote Desktop Connectedness.
  2. In the Computer: field, blazon either the IP address or proper noun (barcode – only works from on-campus) for your office computer.  Please note, the "pc" can exist entered in upper or lower case messages.

  1. Click Connect.
  2. In the Log On to Windows dialog box, type your username, countersign, and domain and so click OK.

  • The Remote Desktop window will open up and y'all volition see the desktop settings, files, and programs that are on your office reckoner. Your function figurer will remain locked and no one will be able to work at your office figurer without a password, nor will anyone see the work you are doing on your office computer remotely. To improve performance, you will not see your usual desktop picture if ane is in use.

To Log Off and End a Session

  • In the Remote Desktop Session, click Start and select Disconnect.

Things to Notation Near Remote Desktop Access

At home your printer is the default printer. To select your office printer, click on the drop-down menu where your printer is listed and select your role printer from the list. Click OK.


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